Finally the so-called 1 Lakh Rupee was launched last week with lot of fan fare and great reviews. Well the manufacturing cost might be just below a lac for the basic model but by the time it gets on the road its costs about 1.23lac in Delhi. But still that’s a very very cheap price tag for “a car”. Yes it’s a car not just a tin box with an engine in front. It can comfortably seat 4 fully grown adults. It has a max speed of a 105KM/H. now the Tata’s r claiming it’s a safe car and meets all existing emission norms currently in India now. But it would be interesting to see how many changes the Nano undergoes to meet the EU or Americans safety and emission norms and how that affects the prices of the car there. Now Nano will not be easily available right now coz their production plans were hampered by the useless agitation by the great Ms. Mamta Banerjee. I hope she would be happy to see Nano rolling out from Sanand instead of Singur. Anyway back to Nano. Once the production for the car gets underway and the Nano is actually available for the public to buy it would bring a much-needed relief for the cash strapped Tata Motors in these hard times. I heard on the TV a lot of the so-called auto experts complaining about the top speed of 105KMPH or the noise levels. what are they expecting for a lac rupees?? It has ample leg space, comfortable seating, power window (in the 1.83Lac version) and they are complaining about 105KMPH. The only bad side of the story that I can see is the increase in amount of traffic on our already existing Indian roads. And the amount of pollution that these many cars will be adding. But then that is not only the case with Nano that’s with every other car that comes out on the street from any of the factories. Well lets c what happens when the booking actually opens in April. Would love to get my hand on one of these babies :-)
P.S. - worried about the maths xam
P.S. - listening to "Ek lau" frm aamir
P.S. - relaxed after deleting orkut
P.S. - will be very busy frm the next sem
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